Goldgelb mit klaren Reflexen. Bouquet von Pfirsich, Stachelbeere, Zitrone, reife Banane und Passionsfrucht. Am Gaumen fruchtig und mineralisch. Dank der ausgeprägten Säure bleibt er erfrischend.
"Wir wollen Weine erzeugen, die zum Genuss verführen, die konzentriert und komplex sind und die auf unverwechselbare Weise ihre Herkunft widerspiegeln." - Ernst Loosen
"The 2007 Riesling Eiswein Blauschiefer (also bottled as 'Blue Slate') comes from Loosen's Bernkasteler Matheisbildchen, and some of the Lay below it. One of the striking things about the two days of 2007 Eiswein, relates Loosen, is that upper stretches froze harder (on the second day, at least) than did those (like the Lay) lower down and more predictably predestined for Eiswein. Black cherry and blueberry tinged with mint and sassafras make for a striking nose. Fresh lime helps quicken an exceptionally delicate, silken-textured palate, but this finishes with candied, sweet superficiality that is mildly disappointing in the context of what came before. To exhibit the distinct icing-like, confectionary sweetness of Eiswein without its efficacious, balancing high acidity strikes me as offering half a loaf." - David Schildknecht